Plastic Free July 2022: How to Participate in the Movement

2022-07-09 12:13:49 By : Ms. Daisy Jiang

If you’ve been looking for some motivation to reduce your plastic usage, you’re in luck. Plastic-Free July is here, and there’s no better time to make a change. Thousands of other individuals all around the world will be right there beside you, and getting started couldn’t be easier.

If you’re curious about how to get involved in the Plastic-Free July movement, look no further. Here’s everything you should know, from what it is to products that make reducing plastic a breeze.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 35.7 million tons of plastic was generated in 2018 alone, and that number only rises every year. That’s why Plastic-Free July is so important.

Plastic-Free July is a collective one-month effort dedicated to consuming little to no plastic. Throughout the 31 days of the month, it can be truly shocking to discover how much plastic has become engrained in your daily routine. Mostly because there’s plastic in places you would never expect.

While there are obvious sources of plastic—like in single-use water bottles and food packaging—plastic creeps into our lives in other ways, too. It’s in band-aids, chewing gum, nail polish, and beyond, so entirely ridding it from your life isn’t easy.

The good news is by becoming more aware of plastic throughout July, you’ll know how to better avoid it it in the months to come.

You can choose to participate in Plastic-Free July however works best for you. While you can challenge yourself to completely avoid plastic altogether, it doesn’t need to be all or nothing. It can simply be cutting down and being more mindful of the plastic you’re bringing into your home.

Sometimes reducing your reliance on plastic involves replacing it with a more sustainable alternative, like switching to a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottles. Or swapping plastic produce bags at the grocery store for cloth options you can use for years to come.

When you make these sustainable swaps, it’s easy to continue reducing plastic after July ends—it goes from being a fun challenge to a lifestyle that greatly benefits the planet.

Overall, Plastic-Free July is an eye-opening experience that can lead you to make some long-term changes to your relationship with plastic. While you don’t need to buy anything to live a more plastic-free lifestyle, here are some of our favorite swaps that help reduce your usage.

This month, the Brightly Shop is taking part in Plastic-Free July with products that are designed to help you waste less and save money. Here are some options to get you started.

Most shampoo and conditioner products are composed of 70% water, but this option removes it from the equation. Instead, the concentrated formula is activated with shower water.

Its waterless nature allows for more compact, eco-friendly packaging. Instead of a plastic bottle, the product comes in aluminum, which is infinitely recyclable. The only plastic component is the small yellow cap, but the brand’s cap return program ensures they get a second life, as they’re upcycled into future products.

When you purchase this starter kit from Brightly, you’ll receive a free waterless body wash concentrate mini with your order.

Made of cellulose and cotton, these Swedish dishcloths contain antimicrobial properties and are 100% biodegradable and compostable. In fact, one highly-absorbent and odor-free dishcloth can replace as many as 17 rolls of paper towels.

Their longevity and lack of plastic packaging make them much better for the environment over traditional paper towels, and their bright colors can add some life to your space.

Razors are a great place to start on your plastic-free journey, as billions of non-biodegradable disposable plastic razors are sent to the landfill every year. This razor is one of the most popular long-term reusable razors for its pivoting head technology that allows for a clean and easy shave.

When you purchase this razor through Brightly, you’ll get a free unscented shave bar with your order.

August is a period care brand that uses 100% organic cotton, which allows its products to biodegrade within one year. Unlike other options on store shelves, the pads and liners are also plastic-free. This is huge, because the copious plastic packaging and products in period care can take centuries to break down.

Who doesn’t love an opportunity to have amazing oral health and help out the planet? This dental care bundle is designed with these two ideals in mind.

The glass containers containing floss, as well as toothpaste and mouthwash tabs, are refillable and require very little packaging to ship and maintain. The toothbrush is made from biodegradable Moso bamboo, while the bristles are made from castor bean oil.

Hey there! Want to help us change the world every day through easy, achievable, eco-friendly tips and tricks? Sign up for the Brightly Spot and join our movement of over a million changemakers.